A downloadable game




In this quirky chaotic rampaging 

Twin Stick Shooter adventure!

Shoot your enemies and solve tricky puzzles with Epic Elemental Weapons

  • Fire Spread Shotgun (3 shot Spread!)
  • Ice Beam (Sweep and Slow Enemies!)
  • Electro Charge Lightning Grenades (Bounce around corners and Explode!)

Suck up Bio-Ammo from fallen enemies and trash cans to charge your DNAtor gun

Rat Clean-Up. Solve puzzles and suck up the rats
  • Pace yourself between Sucking and Shooting
  • Create strategies to keep your weapon topped up
  • Suck to uncover collectibles and find hidden areas

UNLEASH THE BEAST! Our Hero: Dr Marcovio Transforms into a deadly... giant... SLOTH!

Were-Sloth Rampage! Unleash the Were-Sloth and turn the tide of battle!
  • Build up your Super Sloth Meter-Transform as your last resort
  • Turn the tide and destroy your enemies and environment
  • Heal while in Sloth form by defeating enemies


This small Vertical Slice is just the tip of the iceberg , it has many of the weapons and abilities unlocked from the start as our playground to test enemies, combat and mechanics.

It continues into a detailed prologue. With sidesplitting adventure game, puzzle and stealth elements.

Hope you all enjoy this small teaser.  Stay tuned as we have a ton more Slothtastic, twists, turns and surprises in store.

Development log

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